there is something horrible about the absolute tenderness that is possible on the verge of destruction
THE IMMORTAL BELL is about the unfortunate red thread of fate that the titular immortal, kagurasuzu (suzu meaning round bell, like on a ceremonial kagurasuzu bell wand or a cat's collar) plays with fate like a length of red yarn.this is his glass coffin of every tenderness and regret.
how time degrades a memory is something known only to those who have known the dead as an intimacy
(my hotaru)
haruie, my firefly
(my hotaru)
haruie, my firefly
i would take (my condemnation (i love(d) you like a condemnation that there was something good)) back if it meant you wouldn't have to be my curse. for the rest of my life chasing fireflies in the forest of memories.
the hotaru mori
where the fireflies roam, hoarding memories and gravesites
but you died in an unmarked grave,with only curses
and myselfto what
was left of your name
(i wonder if you worried
if i got vengance for you.i did but what does it matter
when i'm left with nothingbut regrets.and yet i could not
have done anything different.)
i wonder many things.i wonder if you loved me.i wonder if you regretted me,
me and the ages that bred me,so that everyone knew me
could see.
i was a monster, an enemy of
that which we call "eien" or "eternity,"for being "fujimi no SUZU," because an immortal bell ringing
is a dead-ringer
a silver bell ringing is the sound that means the dead will never be allowed to die
each and every one of "i" (of a millenium (1000 moons; a rabbitboy; a sacrosanct inviolet, and a yuzu lemon rind)
a kimono.
it means that we will live forever, under the sound of the silver bellsounding every twilight under a luminescent moon...that is ever-unforgiving.
in the hotaru mori
there are only lychee trees,
lychee seeds, and the regretsof an eternity.
i, fujimi no suzu...
wish with the power of eternity that there never comes
another immortal like me.
and yet...
i know there will be.